INO TV – An Alternative To High Priced Trading Courses

How are you paying per trading course? It’s rare that I come to you like this, but I’ve had a revelation after a recent email I received. You and I both know there are plenty of good trading courses out there, but for traders just starting out, they’re a bit pricey. So why are we paying thousands when we don’t have to? Well, here’s the answer to my revelation that should satisfy all. It’s called INO TV and I have an “on the house” preview just for my readers…

INO TV  gives you access to educational seminars streaming live just for traders. This on the house preview includes Dan Gramza, Derek Sammann and Joseph Raia! I recommend you tune in to watch these 4 seminars today. Remember, they’re on me! Enjoy, while I keep looking around for more good values for you, the trader. When Adam Hewsion asked me to review his INO TV service, I told him I really don’t have time. But he was persistent so I did it. As I started to explore the site… I got excited! For those of you who are new to the scene, in early 90’s there was this symposium called “TAG”. (Technical Analysis Group) that was I believe an annual or biannual event. All the biggest and best minds in the industry were there, and it offered traders and investors one of the only places to immerse themselves in trading ideas. (Remember this was the pre expo, pre Internet media era..) They recorded these presentations, first as audio cassettes (remember those?) then video later on… Well, INO TV has the rights to ALL THOSE SEMINARS! I also secured a link for you to watch 4 seminars for free! I have just scratched the surface as I believe they have some 500 titles. Some of the names I am excited to listen to are…

* Mark Cook
* Linda Raschke (Her “Short Skirt” presentation was one of the first   seminars I ever attended! Well worth the price of admission alone…)
* Richard Arms (The inventor of the TRIN)
* Larry Conners
* Toby Crabel (Who’s book Day Trading With Short Term Patterns and Opening Range Breakout sells for $1500 on ebay.)
* Mark Douglas
* Dr. Richard McCall
* George Lane (The inventor of Stochastics)
* Victor Niederhoffer
* Martin Pring
* Jack D. Schwager (Author of the Market Wizards series.)
* Victor Niederhoffer
* Peter Steidlmayer

And a ton more…. The best thing about most of these presentations is that they are old…(Really!) These ideas are universal and still as powerful as the day they were given…Yet I bet you money right now that many of you don’t know some of the names I put up on that list… That means that most of the other traders who have come to the markets recently are also in the dark! There is gold in them thar’ videos, and not much competition for what once were dominate investment strategies. The service is $100 a year for unlimited on-demand streaming access to their entire library. You will be amazed at what you see up there. It will really help your trading. Raschke’s Slump Busting Techniques” presentation is again more then worth the hund-ski.

A good trading education = a good trader = good profits

If you have not had the chance I strongly recommend that you check out this educational resource for traders, as it’s something I personally use and enjoy. You see, it’s no longer necessary to spend thousands of dollars, travel great distances and be away from home and family to understand the secrets of the market experts. It doesn’t matter where you live, it doesn’t matter if you are just starting to trade or a seasoned pro … this “brain trust” of trading experts has the potential to change your life. Check out how INO TV can provide you with the trading education and answers you’ve been looking for. I know capital is tight, but you can’t afford not to check it out today.